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The impact of climate change on fish diseases in Olympic Peninsula watershed

See examples of the role of the environment on infectious disease in fish and why some aquatic animal diseases and pathogens are emerging. Includes the story of the Klamath River fish kills.

The future of coastal upwelling for the northern California Current System

Learn about potential changes in winds, ocean temperature and upwelling due to climate change, and the impacts on west coast marine ecosystems.

Climate change, marine food webs and salmon in the northern California current

Learn about climate change and the factors that affect marine food webs and the growth and survival of salmon in the northern California current.

Climate change vulnerabilities through the lens of snorkel surveys on Olympic Peninsula streams

The summer drought of 2002 in the Olympic Peninsula, caused stream drying - how did this affect fish species?

Climate change impacts on Pacific Northwest bull trout: lessons from the interior

Climate impacts on streams in interior locations in the western U.S. may differ significantly from those in coastal locations - learn what this may mean for the future of bull trout.

Wildfire, climate change and fish in the Pacific Northwest

Learn about the threat of increased wildfires and invasive plants due to climate change and their impacts on fish in the Pacific Northwest.

Impacts of Climate Change on Forest Ecosystems on the Olympic Peninsula

The impacts of climate change and variability on forest ecosystems of the Olympic Peninsula, particularly water balance deficit.

Projected climate change and hydrologic impacts on Olympic Peninsula watersheds

Get the latest research results on future climate and how it is expected to affect water and fish on the Olympic Peninsula. Includes projections on sea level rise.

Fishery Resources of the Olympic National Park: current status, threats and management opportunities in freshwater

Learn about the water and fishery resources on the Olympic Peninsula, projected climate impacts on these resources, and existing management opportunities.

Treeline Response to Climate: Up, Down, All Around

Treeline response to climate in the western U.S.: the big picture and the current picture, as well as 21st century projections.

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