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Climate Change Adaptation and NEPA: a water management perspective

Describes a range of options for addressing climate change in the NEPA process.

Stream Thermal Regimes and Aquatic Ecosystems in a Changing Climate

Temperature is one of the most important conditions for aquatic biota - climate change is imperiling aquatic ecosystems.

Climate Change and Western Fishes

Implications of climate change on western fishes, some of the most at-risk species in the U.S.

What is the Role of Forests in the U.S. Carbon Balance

U.S. forests play a large role in offsetting carbon emissions, about 20 % of the U.S. fossil fuel carbon output. If a forest replaces itself after a disturbance like fire, then there is no long-term loss of carbon.

TreeFlow: Using Tree-ring Paleohydrology as a Planning Tool

Climate history reveals itself in tree-rings and the latest reconstructions can inform us of past dry and wet seasons, and help us to plan for future water patterns.

Climate Change Litigation: a legal perspective on adapting to climate change

Learn about recent climate change litigation and potential future litigation, especially for water. Includes recommendations for addressing concerns over water.

Salmon and Climate Change: Preparing for an Uncertain Future

Overview on the impacts of climate change on anadromous salmonids and bull trout. Ocean acidification will have a profound effect on fish.

Wildfires and Fish: Implications for Management

Wildfires have immediate and short term effects on fish, but there are also long-term effects that persist after the initial disturbance.

Dividing the Waters - Rethinking Management in a Water-Short World

Dr. Sandra Postel presents on the global challenge that we face in managing water and balancing the demands of humans and ecosystems.

What Next? Planning for Climate Change

Hints for identifying climate change vulnerabilities and using adaptation planning to become more climate resilient.

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