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About the CCRC


The Climate Change Resource Center (CCRC) is a web-based, national platform that connects land managers and decision makers with useable science to address climate change in natural resources planning and management. Current and expected climate changes have serious implications for ecosystems and the benefits they provide.

The CCRC provides information about climate change impacts on forests and other ecosystems, and approaches to adaptation and mitigation in forests and grasslands. The website compiles and creates educational resources, climate change and carbon tools, video presentations, literature, and briefings on management-relevant topics, ranging from basic climate change information to details on specific management responses. The CCRC is a joint effort of Forest Service Research and Development and the Office of Sustainability and Climate.

Content Review

The CCRC uses a tiered review process to ensure the quality and scientific credibility of the information on the site.  Minor to moderate changes of site content (e.g., addition or deletion of a single resource or tool; posting previously published and peer-reviewed content; linking to federal websites) is reviewed internally by the CCRC production team under direction of the CCRC co-chairs. Content is reviewed foremost for technical merit, but also to ensure it does not inappropriately address policy.

For more substantial changes in site content, including addition of any original (not previously published) content such as topic pages, the science editor or content manager administers an external blind peer-review, followed by a production team editorial review.  Peer-review is conducted by at least two scientists, but may also include review by practitioners and other experts.  Reviewers are given information on what the expectations are for the content and the review.  Authors must respond to each reviewer comment and revise the content accordingly.  Failure to adequately address reviewer comments leads to another revision or omission of the material from the CCRC.  Final decisions regarding publication of content on the website rest with the CCRC co-chairs.  The entire external peer-review process is documented in detail.

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