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Wildfire and Vegetation Response to Climate Change

Climate, fire and vegetation are closely linked in western ecosystems; this presentation discusses how climate change might affect vegetation by changing wildfire disturbance patterns.

Climate Change, Streamflow, and Connections to Ecology

How do changing temperatures and precipitation patterns drive hydrologic processes, such as snowmelt timing, soil moisture, flood seasonality, and more?

Climate change over western North America

An introduction to general climate change, global climate models, and using downscaled climate data to simulate changes over western North America.

Olympic National Forest & Olympic National Park (Part 2)

Through building partnerships, scientists and managers of the beautiful Olympic National Forest and National Park explored adaptation options to climate change.

Inyo National Forest and Devils Postpile National Monument (Part 3)

How have the Inyo National Forest and Devils Postpile National Monument used the Climate Project Screening Tool to address climate change planning?

Inyo National Forest and Devils Postpile National Monument (Part 2)

How have the Inyo National Forest and Devils Postpile National Monument used the Climate Project Screening Tool to address climate change planning?

REDD+: Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation

Andrea Tuttle discusses the drivers of deforestation, current international approaches to reducing emissions and lessons learned from REDD pilot programs.

A Line Officer's Perspective

If you are unsure about where to begin integrating climate change into natural resource planning, you are not alone. This presentation offers some useful suggestions.

Defining the social context of climate change adaptation

Climate change adaptation will involve human interactions with the forest as well as ecological considerations.

Implementing a Decision Support Tool for Adaptation

Using the web based tool TACCIMO (Template for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Management Options) to connect planning and science through a report generation service.

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