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Recommended Reading

An Annotated Bibliography of Scientific Literature on Managing Forests for Carbon Benefits

An annotated list of citations on the topic of managing forests for carbon. The focus is on studies that address carbon in aboveground carbon pools, at both the micro (tree, stand) and macro (landscape, policy) levels.

Preliminary Review of Adaptation Options for Climate-Sensitive Ecosystems and Resources SAP 4.4

This report examines the effects of climate change on ecosystems, adaptation approaches that reduce the risk of negative impacts on management goals, and ways to improve the likelihood of successful adaptation implementation.

Forest Service Strategic Framework for Responding to Climate Change

This document provides a strategic framework for the Forest Service to guide current and future actions to meet the challenge of climate change.

Forest Service Global Change Research Strategy, 2009-2019

This strategy outlines research goals, needs and products that will help manage ecosystems services under a changing climate, providing a coordinated view of research efforts.

National Roadmap for Responding to Climate Change

All National Forests are working on strategies to adjust and prepare for new conditions created by changing climates (adaptation), and to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases present in the atmosphere (mitigation). To guide the Forest Service in achieving this goal, the Office of the Climate Change Advisor developed a Roadmap for Responding to Climate Change.

Climate Change Adaptation: What Federal Agencies are Doing

How are different Federal organizations approaching climate change adaptation? A report from the Pew Center on Global Climate Change highlights strategies, programs, and resources for climate change adaptation across a range of Federal agencies.

Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX)

This special report of the IPCC examines the scientific literature on the relationship between climate change and extreme weather and climate events ("climate extremes"), and the implications of these events for society and sustainable development.