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Ecosystem vulnerability assessment and synthesis

A report from the Climate Change Response Framework Project in northern Wisconsin.

Silvicultural decisionmaking in an uncertain climate future: a workshop-based exploration of considerations, strategies, and approaches

A workshop-based approach for exploring silvicultural strategies for addressing the uncertainties surrounding climate change and forest response in the northeastern and north-central United States. Outcomes included identification of broad management strategies and approaches for creating forests that can adapt to rapidly changing conditions.

Workshop Approach for Developing Climate Change Adaptation Strategies and Actions for Natural Resource Management Agencies in the United States

Authors offer an example of a workshop, focused on National Forests in the United States, which allowed quick dissemination of ideas and strategies for climate change adaptation in resource management through an interaction between scientists and managers.

Climate change and forests of the future: managing in the face of uncertainty

A conceptual framework for managing forested ecosystems under an assumption that future environments will be different from present, but that we cannot be certain about the specifics of change.

Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007

This report covers current and projected impacts of climate change, divided by sector (freshwater, health, industry, etc.). The report pays attention to regional impacts and adaptation strategies, identifying vulnerable areas. A final section provides an overview of the inter-relationship between adaptation and mitigation in the context of sustainable development.

A Synthesis of the Science on Forests and Carbon for US Forests

Forests play an important role in the U.S. and global carbon cycle, and carbon sequestered by U.S. forests offsets 12-19% of U.S. fossil fuel emissions (in 2010). This report explains these processes and examines the science behind increasing the amount of carbon stored in forests and using wood to offset fossil fuel use.

Analyses of the Effects of Global Change on Human Health and Welfare and Human Systems - SAP 4.6

This Synthesis and Assessment Product (SAP 4.6) focuses on impacts of global climate change, especially impacts on three broad dimensions of the human condition: human health, human settlements, and human welfare.

Invasive Species, Climate Change and Ecosystem-Based Adaptation: Addressing Multiple Drivers of Global Change

A discussion of using ecosystem-based adaptation to build the resilience of ecosystems against climate change and, through doing so, reduce the threat of invasive species.

Thresholds of Climate Change in Ecosystems - SAP 4.2

The report provides an overview of ecological thresholds and where they are most likely to occur. It also identifies those areas where research is most needed to improve the understanding of these thresholds and suggests potential actions that land and resource managers could use to improve the resilience of the resources they manage to climate change.

An Annotated Bibliography of Scientific Literature on Managing Forests for Carbon Benefits

An annotated list of citations on the topic of managing forests for carbon. The focus is on studies that address carbon in aboveground carbon pools, at both the micro (tree, stand) and macro (landscape, policy) levels.