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Climate and Stress Interactions in Western Forest Ecosystems

The effect of disturbances, such as increased fires and insect attacks, will drive ecosystem change as much or more than warmer temperatures from climate change.

Managing for Climate and Climate Impacts

The 5 Rs for adapting to climate change and managing the ecosystems of the future: resistance, resilience, response, realignment and reduce.

Natural Climate Variability

A discussion of the climate system  and how climate scientists look at patterns of variability. What we are seeing in current climate changes is unprecidented in recent history.

Climate Change Response Framework for Landscape Management - A Case Study

The Climate Change Case Study in the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest and the ecosystems evaluated, modeling used, and vulnerability assessments performed.

US Forest Service Tools for Forest Carbon Estimation

Find about the many tools that are available from the US Forest Service for forest carbon estimation, as well as their strengths and limitations.

Forest Carbon for the Private Landowner (Part 2): Protocols, Projects and Opportunities

Andrea Tuttle takes a look at forest carbon markets and how these can be used to capture and hold carbon on the landscape.

Forest Carbon for the Private Landowner (Part 1): Basics of Carbon Offsets, Markets, and Trading

Wondering about carbon offsets, credits, baselines, permanence and leakage? Get the carbon basics here and find out why forest offsets could be a bridge to the future.

Urban Forestry

Trees in cities provide important ecosystem services and help to reduce the urban heat island effect and lower building energy use.

The Potential for Soil Carbon Sequestration

The largest terrestrial carbon pool is contained in soils. Carbon stored in soils plays a number of important roles, including keeping carbon out of the atmosphere and improving moisture and nutrient retention.

Bioenergy from Wood and Forest Carbon Dynamics

What is a carbon neutrality number and how can we ensure that wood used to produce energy makes sense from a carbon offset standpoint?

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