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Allow for increased landslide frequency by relocating roads and structures

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Allow for increased landslide frequency by relocating roads and structures


  • Close and decommission roads in areas of high landslide risk
  • Locate new construction or reroute roads away from areas of high landslide risk
  • Collaborate with partners to compare data of current damage with data on soil moisture and landforms to identify sensitive areas


Raymond, C.L.; Peterson, D.L.; Rochefort, R.M., eds. (2014). Climate change vulnerability and adaptation in the North Cascades region. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-892. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station., Raymond, C.L.; Peterson, D.L.; Rochefort, R.M. (2013). The North Cascadia Adaptation Partnership: a science-management collaboration for responding to climate change. Sustainability. 5: 136–159.