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Increase structural complexity through retention of biological legacies in living and dead wood


Late-successional and old-growth forests store more carbon compared to young or secondary forests, such that stand age is often a reliable predictor of carbon stocks for a given forest type (Keeton et al. 2007; Gray et al. 2016 ). Older forests typically have greater structural complexity, including higher density of carbon stocks in both live and dead trees (Franklin et al. 2002; McGarvey et al. 2015). Particularly in temperate deciduous forests, moderate severity disturbance in late-successional and old-growth forests transfers carbon from live to dead pools that increases carbon storage. The greater structural complexity that results from this moderate severity disturbance increases resource-use efficiency and resource availability to maintain greater levels of carbon sequestration rates than previously thought (Curtis and Gough 2018). Silvicultural practices that increase structural complexity through maintaining older or larger-diameter legacy trees and greater amounts of dead wood including snags, down logs, and coarse woody debris may increase carbon storage (D’Amato et al. 2011; Ford and Keeton 2017; Mika and Keeton 2015; Palik et al. 2014). Coarse woody debris may contribute to enhanced soil carbon stocks and nutrient pools (Wiebe et al. 2014), directly contributing to carbon storage in mineral soils as well as influencing forest carbon sequestration into the future (Magnusson et al. 2016). Downed logs and coarse woody debris can serve as nurse logs or provide microclimates important for seed germination or seedling establishment, which may play an important role for a species’ persistence or colonization of new habitat as environmental conditions change (Gunn et al. 2009).


  • Retaining the oldest and largest trees with good vigor during forest management activities
  • Retaining survivors of pest and disease outbreaks, droughts, windthrow events, or other disturbances during salvage operations
  • Retaining down logs, snags, and other dead wood during forest management, or leaving trees of poor health that are expected to contribute to dead wood pools
  • Not salvage logging where risks from fire or to forest health are low

Strategy Text

Climate change is projected to increase the potential for severe disturbance events that reduce forest ecosystems carbon stocks (Williams et al. 2016), while additionally affecting the growth and regeneration of extant species. Many forest management decisions aim to limit the negative impacts of disturbances while enhancing the growth of residual trees and the regeneration of desired species that represent the current and future capacity of the ecosystem to sequester carbon (McKinley et al. 2011). Often these management actions aim to enhance existing forest conditions, such as species composition and stand structural diversity that are key to the desired services provided by the forest. Slight adjustments in forest conditions can improve the retention of carbon within various forest carbon pools or enhance the rate of recovery following a disturbance event without dramatically altering the character of forest ecosystems. 


Todd A Ontl, Maria K Janowiak, Christopher W Swanston, Jad Daley, Stephen Handler, Meredith Cornett, Steve Hagenbuch, Cathy Handrick, Liza Mccarthy, Nancy Patch, Forest Management for Carbon Sequestration and Climate Adaptation, Journal of Forestry, Volume 118, Issue 1, January 2020, Pages 86–101,