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Restore or maintain fire in fire-adapted ecosystems


Wildfires are a major contributor of U.S. forest carbon emissions, although annual emissions can vary greatly from year-to-year (Wiedinmyer and Neff 2007). Prescribed fire can reduce fuel loads, significantly reducing the risk of uncontrolled fire or shifting fire regimes from infrequent, high severity fires towards more frequent, low severity fires (Miller et al. 2009) that result in lower carbon emissions compared to wildfire (Agee et al. 2005). Additionally, prescribed fires limit the extent of wildfire if one were to occur (Boer et al. 2009). Conditions during implementation of prescribed fire typically result in low overstory tree mortality rates, preserving both carbon in live trees and the potential to sequester future carbon through tree growth (Tian et al. 2008).


  • Using prescribed fire to reduce ladder fuels, invasive species, and understory competition
  • Promoting fire- and drought-tolerant species and ecosystems in areas expected to have increased fire risk
  • Using natural or prescribed fire to restore the open character within woodlands and glades
  • Shifting the prescribed burning season to align with seasonal precipitation changes or altered fire weather to reduce risk of unintended fire conditions

Strategy Text

Natural disturbance events—including insect pests and diseases, damage from wind and ice, drought, and wildfire—typically reduce near-term forest carbon stocks while initiating long-term and gradual recovery. These disturbances are both a major causes of carbon loss in forests (Williams et al. 2016) and influence future sequestration rates through impacts on species composition, ecosystem structure, rates of photosynthesis and respiration, and flows through various carbon pools (Noormets et al. 2015). While forest regrowth offsets carbon losses following human and natural disturbances over time allowing U.S. forests to remain a net carbon sink (Pan et al. 2011), enhanced disturbance frequency, severity, or extent from climate change may enhance large-scale forest carbon release (Peterson et al. 2014). Shifting climatic conditions, including earlier snowmelt, low precipitation, and warmer temperatures contribute to increases in fire size, frequency, and the area burned annually in the U.S. (Littell et al. 2009; Westerling et al. 2006). Impacts of wildfire on forest carbon sequestration can be long lasting and profound, particularly when they occur outside of the historical fire regime. Not only do wildland fires emit carbon stored in trees that have been burned, but mineral soils and forest floor carbon stocks can also be reduced significantly (Nave et al. 2011; Pellegrini et al. 2018). Additionally, carbon sequestration rates can be lowered in burned areas because of negative impacts on vegetation productivity following severe fire (Hicke et al. 2013). While many actions associated with this strategy can result in a short-term, low magnitude, or fine-scale forest carbon loss, this strategy aims to avoid or reduce long-term, large magnitude, or broad-scale carbon losses through management actions intended to decrease natural disturbance frequency, extent, intensity, or severity.


Todd A Ontl, Maria K Janowiak, Christopher W Swanston, Jad Daley, Stephen Handler, Meredith Cornett, Steve Hagenbuch, Cathy Handrick, Liza Mccarthy, Nancy Patch, Forest Management for Carbon Sequestration and Climate Adaptation, Journal of Forestry, Volume 118, Issue 1, January 2020, Pages 86–101,