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Strategies for Public Land Management for Adaptation to Climate Change

Rather than treating climate change as one additional management challenge, it is essential to consider the effects of climate change in all plans and activities.


Jill Baron
US Geological Survey


Producer - Michael Furniss
Videography - Ben Nieves
Technical production - Jeffrey Guntle


Rather than treating climate change as one of many management challenges, it is essential to consider the effects of climate change in all plans and activities. Successful management for adaptation of natural resources to climate change begins by identifying resources and processes at risk from climate change, defining thresholds and reference conditions, establishing monitoring and assessment programs, and engaging in management actions that increase the adaptive capacity and ecological resilience of these resources. As climate change continues, thresholds of resilience will be passed, increasing the importance of addressing uncertainty in planning and management. Adaptation strategies include scenario planning; adaptive management, including an increased capacity to learn rapidly from management successes and failures; and examining and responding to the multiple scales at which species and processes function. The latter most certainly will require regional partnerships and a shared vision among multiple organizations. Science-based management principles will become more critical because past experience may not serve as a guide for novel future conditions. Preparing for and adapting to climate change is as much a cultural and intellectual challenge as an ecological challenge.

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You should gain an understanding of:

General strategies for public land management for adaptation to climate change.

The role of regional and multi-organizational partnerships in climate change adaptation.