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The impact of climate change on fish diseases in Olympic Peninsula watershed

See examples of the role of the environment on infectious disease in fish and why some aquatic animal diseases and pathogens are emerging. Includes the story of the Klamath River fish kills.


James Winton
USGS Western Fisheries Research Center


Producer - Michael Furniss
Videography - Ben Nieves
Technical production - Jeffrey Guntle


Most viral, bacterial and fungal pathogens are found in captive animals, and there is a limited understanding of disease in wild fish. Temperature is the most important environmental factor affecting diseases in fish. Warming temperatures and lower water flows can exacerbate diseases and increase pathogen growth rates, which may be contributing to a global increase in emerging fish diseases.

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You should gain an understanding of:

Current knowledge of aquatic animal diseases and pathogens.

The effect of the environment on the host-pathogen relationship.

Emerging aquatic animal diseases and pathogens.

How climate change is expected to affect fish diseases, with examples of its effects on salmon and Olympic Peninsula steelhead trout.