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Prioritize low vulnerability sites for maintaining or enhancing carbon stocks


Tree mortality from drought, pests and pathogens, fire, windthrow, or other natural disturbances are important causes of carbon loss across forest ecosystems. Sites with characteristics that reduce disturbance frequency or severity, or lower the vulnerability to carbon loss when these disturbances occur, may provide high value for maintaining or enhancing carbon stocks as climatic and biological stressors intensify. Characteristics that lower vulnerability to carbon loss from disturbance may include: (1) high canopy cover or advanced regeneration of species with wide temperature or moisture tolerances (Duveneck and Scheller 2015; Hof et al. 2017, (2) site hydrology or soil fertility that reduces drought or nutrient limitation impacts to forest productivity (Ellison et al. 2017), or (3) enhanced species or structural diversity that may lower vulnerability or enhance recovery from impacts from pests or pathogens (Spies et al. 2010). Maintaining higher carbon stocks on sites with these characteristics that impart greater resistance or resilience to disturbance may provide greater benefit from carbon storage at landscape scales (Rosoman et al. 2017), similar to how sites resistant to climate stressors may provide the best chance for retaining habitat for at-risk species (Anderson et al. 2012). Additionally, sites may be prioritized for management actions that augment existing characteristics important for resistance to carbon loss or resilience for regaining carbon when disturbances do occur.


  • Increase retention of large diameter trees on sites with low vulnerability to drought stress
  • Enhancement of species or structural diversity in high carbon stock sites
  • Prioritize large, unfragmented forest patches, or sites that otherwise minimize exposure to stressors that could increase tree mortality of carbon losses
  • Promote old forest conditions by limiting harvest removal
  • Increase redundancy of important sites for existing carbon stocks across the landscape

Strategy Text

Ecosystem carbon density varies spatially across forest and community types due to many factors, such as differences in topography, hydrology, soils, stand age, and disturbance and management history and how these elements influence plant community composition and carbon flux processes (Luyssaert et al. 2007). Sites may have high carbon stock densities from either enhanced carbon inputs or conditions that reduce the loss of carbon. High carbon inputs to a site can result from greater productivity of vegetation, high densities of aboveground biomass, or translocation of carbon from adjacent sites, such as soil deposition in floodplains (Behre et al. 2007). Additionally, sites may have high carbon densities from reduced carbon losses, such as hydrologic conditions that result in saturated soil conditions limited decomposition and that cause the formation of organic soils. When managing forest ecosystems for carbon, identifying sites containing high carbon densities may be a priority for management in order to retain existing forest carbon stocks. A changing climate is expected to impact sites important for carbon stocks in different ways, depending on vulnerability of the carbon stocks or flux processes to climatic or biological stressors that are expected to intensify.


Todd A Ontl, Maria K Janowiak, Christopher W Swanston, Jad Daley, Stephen Handler, Meredith Cornett, Steve Hagenbuch, Cathy Handrick, Liza Mccarthy, Nancy Patch, Forest Management for Carbon Sequestration and Climate Adaptation, Journal of Forestry, Volume 118, Issue 1, January 2020, Pages 86–101,