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Match infrastructure and equipment to new and expected conditions

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Beyond water conveyance structures, irrigation, and watering systems, alter other farm infrastructure to operate under new and expected conditions or to match other changes in management practices. Tactics under this approach may vary widely depending upon the farm operation, and could include adding new machinery to implement new practices or grow new commodities, or upgrading buildings and facilities to handle increased snow or wind loads.


  • Update farm machinery to match new and future farm practices and commodities
  • Consider precision nutrient and pesticide application systems
  • Upgrade to more energy efficient equipment or integrate on-farm renewable energy generation (e.g. manure and biomass conversion and combustion
  • wind
  • solar) enterprises
  • Upgrade building facilities to handle expected increased snow or wind loads

Strategy Text

Altering infrastructure is a strategy that supports the entire menu of adaptation responses. Because infrastructure generally has a high cost and long life span relative to other farm practices and activities, there is a greater need to consider the long-term implications of these investments. Changes and upgrades in farm infrastructure represent a specific opportunity for agricultural producers to consider deliberately expected future climate conditions, risks, and opportunities that could affect farm productivity and sustainability. Changes in infrastructure can be used to resist the effects of climate change and maintain current practices in place for a longer period of time, such as through the use of increased irrigation to offset reductions in precipitation. On the other end of the spectrum, altering infrastructure may facilitate a transition to entirely new systems, such as through the purchase of new facilities or equipment necessary for the production of a new, future-adapted commodity.


Janowiak, M., D. Dostie, M. Wilson M. Kucera, R. H. Skinner, J. Hatfield, D. Hollinger, and C. Swanston. 2016. Adaptation Resources for Agriculture: Responding to Climate Variability and Change in the Midwest and Northeast. Technical Bulletin 1944. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Chief Economist, Climate Change Program Office. 69 p.