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Maintain or restore riparian areas


Much of the forest cover in urban regions is located in riparian areas. Forests located within riparian areas serve important ecosystem functions, such as decreasing soil erosion, filtering water, and storing and recycling organic matter and nutrients (Barling and Moore 1994,


  • Urban natural areas: Restoring or promoting a diversity of tree and plant species in order to increase stream shading, provide a source of woody debris, stabilize the soil, and provide habitat and connectivity for wildlife
  • Urban natural areas: Restoring or reforesting riparian areas adjacent to developed areas in order to reduce erosion and nutrient loading into adjacent water bodies
  • Urban natural areas: Managing water levels to supply proper soil moisture to vegetation adjacent to the stream during critical time periods, either by manipulation of existing dams and water control structures or restoration of natural dynamic water flu
  • Developed urban sites: Reclaiming developed sites and restoring or reforesting riparian areas in order to reduce erosion and nutrient loading into adjacent water bodies.

Strategy Text

The changing climate may alter the complex interactions among climate, vegetation, and landforms, resulting in changes in hydrology, soil quality, and nutrient cycling. Urban areas often involve further complications because of the greater likelihood that human activities have already significantly altered ecosystem functioning and will continue to do so. Urban conditions are often characterized by difficult growing conditions, including impermeable surfaces, air and water pollution, frequent human interaction, and small soil volumes. Existing guidelines and best management practices for forest management describe actions that can be used to reduce or reverse impacts to soil and water. Many of these actions are also likely to be beneficial in the context of adaptation, although additional effort may be required to maintain ecosystem function in urban areas.


Swanston, C.W.; Janowiak, M.K.; Brandt, L.A.; Butler, P.R.; Handler, S.D.; Shannon, P.D.; Derby Lewis, A.; Hall, K.; Fahey, R.T.; Scott, L.; Kerber, A.; Miesbauer, J.W.; Darling, L.; 2016. Forest Adaptation Resources: climate change tools and approaches for land managers, 2nd ed. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 161 p.