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Identify and map potential refugia for subalpine forests and identify threats to refugia (e.g., fire, beetle outbreaks) for various seral stages.

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Identify and map potential refugia for subalpine forests and identify threats to refugia (e.g., fire, beetle outbreaks) for various seral stages.


  • Map refugia
  • Conduct prescribed fire and exclude wildfire.
  • Thin
  • Treat individual trees with pheromones
  • Actively or passively promote growth
  • Monitor
  • Inform public
  • and communicate changes
  • Consider invasive species when prioritizing refugia
  • and find resistant types in already-infested stands
  • Recognize diversity in understory
  • and control for invasive species


Halofsky, J.E.; Peterson, D.L.; Ho, J.J. (201X). Climate change vulnerability and adaptation in south central Oregon. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-xxx. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. In press.,


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